I accidently deleted my last post. I hit the 'Enter' button whilst moving my mouse pad as the message clearly said "Are you sure you would like to delete this post? This option can not be undone".
Anyway, regardless... I have managed to finish Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey. I always feel accomplished after reading scholarly material (y'know for school and what-not).
There's a lot to deduce (is that even a word?) from Northanger Abbey, which is why I actually appreciate it.
Basically a tomboy-grown-attractive chick becomes associated with higher class standards/rituals when she visits a city called Bath with her family friends. She has a hard time seperating fiction and reality, as a result of being heavily engrossed in literature (specifically horror/thriller fiction).
Then some stuff happens. And then other stuff happens as a result of the aforementioned stuff that initally happened.
Yeah, I'm not too keen on specifics but that's how a majority of it went. The book is actually looked upon as one of Jane Austen's more accomplished works (along with Persuasion), as Austen herself is highly regarded as a feminist icon.
I swear, most of the books I've read for this class (Introduction to Literary Genres) have dealt particulary with patterns of pro-feminism and gender construction.
Anyway, I have to get through Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre this weekend, whilst snowboarding tomorrow (YAY!).
I need to (at least) take a stab on my essay on poetry. I have to write a 1000 word paper, analyzing Miriam Waddington's Ten Years and More. The phonetics, stress patterns, stanza formation, use of literary devices etc. etc.
Why didn't I do this in November?
Ugh. Plus I gotta rent The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and do a critical film analysis on it.
...Thanks York.
Wish me luck.
About Me
- Rio
- It's life. 24 Hours a day. But to me, it's just seems like one really long coffee-break.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ok, so NOT all my friends have a PS3
But I still want one none the less damn it!
It's snowing like mad outside. I haven't seen it, but I love it when it snows.
Yeah, it sucks for driving (unless you're drifting) and the mess after is ridiculous... But for some reason, I like it.
In other more political news, Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff amends the budget proposal. Being the Liberal Party leader, I figured he'd play the middle man and try to please both the opposition and the Conservatives.
Oh, don't worry guys, if the Conservatives #$%! up we'll restart this whole fiasco!
I wouldn't be surprised if Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe are pissed that Ignatieff didn't get on board with them. I'm betting they secretly wished Stephane Dion was still the Liberal Party leader. Haha!
4 CUPE 3903 members were arrested during a march against the Bill of the Back-to-Work legislation. Apparently, they spat at the officers and resisted arrest. Nice.
Blah. I wanna go snowboarding. But I have no money.
It's snowing like mad outside. I haven't seen it, but I love it when it snows.
Yeah, it sucks for driving (unless you're drifting) and the mess after is ridiculous... But for some reason, I like it.
In other more political news, Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff amends the budget proposal. Being the Liberal Party leader, I figured he'd play the middle man and try to please both the opposition and the Conservatives.
Oh, don't worry guys, if the Conservatives #$%! up we'll restart this whole fiasco!
I wouldn't be surprised if Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe are pissed that Ignatieff didn't get on board with them. I'm betting they secretly wished Stephane Dion was still the Liberal Party leader. Haha!
4 CUPE 3903 members were arrested during a march against the Bill of the Back-to-Work legislation. Apparently, they spat at the officers and resisted arrest. Nice.
Blah. I wanna go snowboarding. But I have no money.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I need a haircut
Probably tonight, when my mom gets back from work... I'm starting to develop an afro.
Mind you, I used to hate my hair before, but now I think it kinda makes me unique. I think at some point, I could actually rock dread-locks.
...Although, I hear you don't wash them. Which is partially the reason why I wouldn't consider it.
In other news, I am currently entering the Prism Magazine poetry contest. 1st place winner gets a $1000!
I've been meaning to buy a number of things lately. Here, I've complied a list (in no particular order):
1. Snowboard.
2. An ipod (I've never had one)
3. New Cellphone
4. PS3 (all my friends have one!)
5. New guitar
6. Warhammer 40k Necron Battleforce + Monolith! (I am a nerd to the max)
7. Stocks/Mutual funds
8. Headphones (Skullcandy!)
Wish me luck!
Mind you, I used to hate my hair before, but now I think it kinda makes me unique. I think at some point, I could actually rock dread-locks.
...Although, I hear you don't wash them. Which is partially the reason why I wouldn't consider it.
In other news, I am currently entering the Prism Magazine poetry contest. 1st place winner gets a $1000!
I've been meaning to buy a number of things lately. Here, I've complied a list (in no particular order):
1. Snowboard.
2. An ipod (I've never had one)
3. New Cellphone
4. PS3 (all my friends have one!)
5. New guitar
6. Warhammer 40k Necron Battleforce + Monolith! (I am a nerd to the max)
7. Stocks/Mutual funds
8. Headphones (Skullcandy!)
Wish me luck!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I am completely exhausted.
The reason I haven't updated, was mainly because I was at McMaster this weekend. So in other words, I still don't have school since the Back-to-work Legislation that Premier Dalton McGuinty put forward for York, was denied by the NDP.
But aside from that, I'm tired. I sacrificed a good number of sleep hours to partying. That, and I haven't really eaten anything healthy in the last 4 days.
Ok, make that 5.
I had a lot of fun though, and I've met a couple of new people. And I actually won a round of flip-cup (it was my first time playing).
But lately, I've been feeling a lot more confident for some reason. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it's a good thing.
I'll just take the next few days to reset. I'll be going back to school soon, so hopefully everything works out well.
...Because I'll be heading to another party this Saturday.
Oh, the adventures continue.
The reason I haven't updated, was mainly because I was at McMaster this weekend. So in other words, I still don't have school since the Back-to-work Legislation that Premier Dalton McGuinty put forward for York, was denied by the NDP.
But aside from that, I'm tired. I sacrificed a good number of sleep hours to partying. That, and I haven't really eaten anything healthy in the last 4 days.
Ok, make that 5.
I had a lot of fun though, and I've met a couple of new people. And I actually won a round of flip-cup (it was my first time playing).
But lately, I've been feeling a lot more confident for some reason. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it's a good thing.
I'll just take the next few days to reset. I'll be going back to school soon, so hopefully everything works out well.
...Because I'll be heading to another party this Saturday.
Oh, the adventures continue.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The anticipation is killing me
Aside from watching an incredibly moving inauguration by President Obama today, I'm supposed to find out whether or not I'm going back to school next week.
And to be honest, I'm kind of nervous. I've got two essays to write (Haha, I left them unattended since last October) and I really don't have the motivation to do them.
Plus, I was planning to go party in Hamilton this weekend, and visit some friends at McMaster.
...But if the strike is over, I won't be able to.
Ah well. I gotta go pick up my brother at the terminal now. I'll figure out what I'm doing tomorrow.
And to be honest, I'm kind of nervous. I've got two essays to write (Haha, I left them unattended since last October) and I really don't have the motivation to do them.
Plus, I was planning to go party in Hamilton this weekend, and visit some friends at McMaster.
...But if the strike is over, I won't be able to.
Ah well. I gotta go pick up my brother at the terminal now. I'll figure out what I'm doing tomorrow.
Monday, January 19, 2009
I'm hitting on +3 and wounding on +4?
I played Warhammer 40k yesterday.
I'm still getting used to the rules and stuff, but it's really fun and really expensive. Ever since the York strike, I've been embracing the nerdier side of me even more so.
I'm actually not that worried that people will look at me when I go into a Games Workshop store.
Today, the Union will finally vote as to whether or not the strike will resume. I'm not too worried, since I've stayed on top of my reading (I knew all that time I spent in the library was a good thing) but at this point, I mean really...
How will the University compensate the value of the education I was supposed to receive? I could care less for the opportunity of my credits. A final post-secondary grade is nothing more than a piece of paper if I didn't do squat for it.
I was at the YMCA today working-out, when I read about the cease-fire between the Hamas and Israel. In my opinion, it shouldn't have taken three weeks and a death toll of over 1200 to come to terms for a cease-fire.
The Globe and Mail article stated something I found interesting.
"...While Israel might have won in military and deterrent standards, they have lost in the political agenda... If the Hamas lost in military gains, clearly they have won the political side."
...Or something along those lines. I'm afraid the writers forgot to include that no one really wins in a war. But we all know, journalists are never supposed present idealism as plainly as that.
Other than that, my day was pretty plain. My accomplishment for the day? I started reading Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey at Starbucks.
I'm still getting used to the rules and stuff, but it's really fun and really expensive. Ever since the York strike, I've been embracing the nerdier side of me even more so.
I'm actually not that worried that people will look at me when I go into a Games Workshop store.
Today, the Union will finally vote as to whether or not the strike will resume. I'm not too worried, since I've stayed on top of my reading (I knew all that time I spent in the library was a good thing) but at this point, I mean really...
How will the University compensate the value of the education I was supposed to receive? I could care less for the opportunity of my credits. A final post-secondary grade is nothing more than a piece of paper if I didn't do squat for it.
I was at the YMCA today working-out, when I read about the cease-fire between the Hamas and Israel. In my opinion, it shouldn't have taken three weeks and a death toll of over 1200 to come to terms for a cease-fire.
The Globe and Mail article stated something I found interesting.
"...While Israel might have won in military and deterrent standards, they have lost in the political agenda... If the Hamas lost in military gains, clearly they have won the political side."
...Or something along those lines. I'm afraid the writers forgot to include that no one really wins in a war. But we all know, journalists are never supposed present idealism as plainly as that.
Other than that, my day was pretty plain. My accomplishment for the day? I started reading Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey at Starbucks.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Just throw it already! #@$#!
So I watched My Bloody Valentine last night.
I was in 'omgwtflol' mode.
There were a lot of instances where I kept saying "Just throw the fuckin' axe man. End it. Just end it" while peeking though my fingers.
I haven't seen any good slasher flicks lately, but this one did well for me. It covered all the elements, without being overly cheesey or mundane.
On another note, today I actually cooked something good! By myself!
I know, right?
Here's my rating for my 'ground pepper beef combo':
(out of 10)
Appearance: 8
Combination of Ingrediants: 7
Time Management: 6 1/2
Final Taste: 7 1/2 (only because it tasted better than I thought it would)
I'm going to try pancakes next. Haha!
I was in 'omgwtflol' mode.
There were a lot of instances where I kept saying "Just throw the fuckin' axe man. End it. Just end it" while peeking though my fingers.
I haven't seen any good slasher flicks lately, but this one did well for me. It covered all the elements, without being overly cheesey or mundane.
On another note, today I actually cooked something good! By myself!
I know, right?
Here's my rating for my 'ground pepper beef combo':
(out of 10)
Appearance: 8
Combination of Ingrediants: 7
Time Management: 6 1/2
Final Taste: 7 1/2 (only because it tasted better than I thought it would)
I'm going to try pancakes next. Haha!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Q and A from Rio!
Because I won't get hired by McDonald's any time soon (they set up interviews the day I went to get an application), I've decided to write an interview between me and well, me.
Q: Rio! How is life outside?
A: It's not too bad. I've been working out at the YMCA when time allows. I should start heading the library again. I haven't touched any substantial material since I finished Homer's Odyssey. Also, I've been planning to go indoor rock-climbing for the longest, but time and money really play a role in setting up an event like this. Ugh.
Q: ...How about the romantics?
A: It's on the meh kind of point right now. I'm still interested in that one girl, but I'm not expecting it to become anything other than a crush-at-a-glance type thing. Plus, I have a bad habit of becoming really, really good friends with the girls I'm attracted to. So much so, that I usually become the brother they never had. Although, I am still keeping an eye out. Haha.
Q: That sucks... Any new interests/hobbies that the York strike has graciously provided you with?
A: Other than Warhammer 40k? Haha. Well, I've been learning how to cook recently (I've started a photo album of my attempts at cooking), and I'm continuing to improve my guitar skills. I've also developed a desire to snowboard. I love the feeling of skidding down a nice white slope, or experiencing an epic fail. I think it's cool when you show off your battle scars and exaggerate the story.
Q: Wow.. You are so lame. Moving along, what about your recent musical tastes?
A: I've been listening to Linkin Park a lot lately, and it's introduced me to a whole new genre of music and style. I am a huge Indie music fan. I love The Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, The Killers, The Kooks, Bloc Party... Oh the list goes on.
But lately I've gotten into more alternative and hardcore music. Linkin Park, Alexisonfire and 30 Seconds to Mars to name a few. Listening to them while driving feels awesome. And of course, there will always be your traditional hip-hop beats in there. Namely Lupe Fiasco. He is just something else, I tell you.
Q: Nice. Anything else you want to say to your readers?
A: If you have the power to end the York Strike right NOW, please use it. Oh, and I could use a job. So hire me. Thanks.
Q: Rio! How is life outside?
A: It's not too bad. I've been working out at the YMCA when time allows. I should start heading the library again. I haven't touched any substantial material since I finished Homer's Odyssey. Also, I've been planning to go indoor rock-climbing for the longest, but time and money really play a role in setting up an event like this. Ugh.
Q: ...How about the romantics?
A: It's on the meh kind of point right now. I'm still interested in that one girl, but I'm not expecting it to become anything other than a crush-at-a-glance type thing. Plus, I have a bad habit of becoming really, really good friends with the girls I'm attracted to. So much so, that I usually become the brother they never had. Although, I am still keeping an eye out. Haha.
Q: That sucks... Any new interests/hobbies that the York strike has graciously provided you with?
A: Other than Warhammer 40k? Haha. Well, I've been learning how to cook recently (I've started a photo album of my attempts at cooking), and I'm continuing to improve my guitar skills. I've also developed a desire to snowboard. I love the feeling of skidding down a nice white slope, or experiencing an epic fail. I think it's cool when you show off your battle scars and exaggerate the story.
Q: Wow.. You are so lame. Moving along, what about your recent musical tastes?
A: I've been listening to Linkin Park a lot lately, and it's introduced me to a whole new genre of music and style. I am a huge Indie music fan. I love The Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, The Killers, The Kooks, Bloc Party... Oh the list goes on.
But lately I've gotten into more alternative and hardcore music. Linkin Park, Alexisonfire and 30 Seconds to Mars to name a few. Listening to them while driving feels awesome. And of course, there will always be your traditional hip-hop beats in there. Namely Lupe Fiasco. He is just something else, I tell you.
Q: Nice. Anything else you want to say to your readers?
A: If you have the power to end the York Strike right NOW, please use it. Oh, and I could use a job. So hire me. Thanks.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Learning, learning and more learning
I'm learning:
To cook. To play Warhammer 40k. To drum better on rock band. To get a job. To understand politics and warfare.
I've been doing a lot of learning.
I'll let you know when I'm successful with all this learning.
To cook. To play Warhammer 40k. To drum better on rock band. To get a job. To understand politics and warfare.
I've been doing a lot of learning.
I'll let you know when I'm successful with all this learning.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Back to regular

So my relatives are gone now, and it's back to normal.
Sadly, I can't remember what I did on a normal basis. I mean, I have no work. I have no school (thanks York). And I can't really go out, cause I'm techincally broke.
I don't really have much to look forward to.
Maybe I need a rerun of my priorities at the moment.
Or maybe I should really hand in that application to McDonald's.
Choices, choices, choices...
I'm gonna go clean now. After I'll feel like I accomplished something.
I mean, besides getting 99% on Expert mode for Drums on Rock Band 2. (Nine in the Afternoon, by Panic! at the Disco. Really easy song).
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Socks are kinda wet at the moment
So much for a 4 day-break.
The relatives are out at the moment painting the town red, according to my mom.
Oh, and their 25th wedding anniversary was a success. Although I literally almost cried giving my speech. Looks like I'm still a little soft in the inside.
Still no update from the strike, but it looks like it's coming down to a forced ratification. Ugh... That means I'm still looking for work. No Frills was fail, (they've yet to call me) so it looks like I'm gonna be applying to McDonald's.
I mean, if they're still hiring.
On another note, I've been fooling around with the car lately and now my hand twitches by the hand-break when I see a clear road and a nice patch of snow.
It's a feeling I can't describe... Especially when you're pumping hardcore Linkin Park music and you're drifting sideways in an open lane...
I'll shut up now.
The relatives are out at the moment painting the town red, according to my mom.
Oh, and their 25th wedding anniversary was a success. Although I literally almost cried giving my speech. Looks like I'm still a little soft in the inside.
Still no update from the strike, but it looks like it's coming down to a forced ratification. Ugh... That means I'm still looking for work. No Frills was fail, (they've yet to call me) so it looks like I'm gonna be applying to McDonald's.
I mean, if they're still hiring.
On another note, I've been fooling around with the car lately and now my hand twitches by the hand-break when I see a clear road and a nice patch of snow.
It's a feeling I can't describe... Especially when you're pumping hardcore Linkin Park music and you're drifting sideways in an open lane...
I'll shut up now.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Rockband 2 will save me from not-blogging
Looks like I'll be taking a 4 day break from using my computer.
My parent's 25th anniversary is this Saturday, and we've got relavtives coming to stay with us for about 4 days. Which means I have to give up my room and my computer. For 4 days.
Ahh well. I came prepared, having bought Rock Band 2 for the PS2. So I'm not too worried about not blogging for 4 days.
Today's articles that caught my attention:
Rockets coming from Lebanon struck a Israeli retirement home (quite possibly renewing the feud between Hezbollah and Israeli militants).
A man must continue paying child support after his ex-wife asked for increased payments and for him to spend less time with their twin children. And get this. The twins aren't even his. I'm sorry, but that's FAIL.
Aaand last but not least, York University bumped up their offer of 9.25% wage increase to 10.7%! Yaaay! Let's go back to school!
Or... Not. Apparently CUPE leaders think the increase is a step back.
Oh, The Toronto Star. How you amuse me so much.
Anyway, see you all in 4 days.
*Just a side note, I've started listening to MGMT. So far they sound pretty awesome.
My parent's 25th anniversary is this Saturday, and we've got relavtives coming to stay with us for about 4 days. Which means I have to give up my room and my computer. For 4 days.
Ahh well. I came prepared, having bought Rock Band 2 for the PS2. So I'm not too worried about not blogging for 4 days.
Today's articles that caught my attention:
Rockets coming from Lebanon struck a Israeli retirement home (quite possibly renewing the feud between Hezbollah and Israeli militants).
A man must continue paying child support after his ex-wife asked for increased payments and for him to spend less time with their twin children. And get this. The twins aren't even his. I'm sorry, but that's FAIL.
Aaand last but not least, York University bumped up their offer of 9.25% wage increase to 10.7%! Yaaay! Let's go back to school!
Or... Not. Apparently CUPE leaders think the increase is a step back.
Oh, The Toronto Star. How you amuse me so much.
Anyway, see you all in 4 days.
*Just a side note, I've started listening to MGMT. So far they sound pretty awesome.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Hunt continues...
Or does it?
CUPE 3903 seems to be losing momentum in their efforts against York University.
With Jewish community leaders condemning CUPE president Sid Ryan (see Jewish Leaders blast CUPE, http://www.thestar.com/News/Ontario/article/562803) and general public support dying, I wonder if my efforts for job hunting are in vain.
I picked up an application for McDonald's, and I'm looking into sending my resume for No Frills. Both are easy to commute and some of my friends have been working there for a long time.
Maybe I'll look into part-time?
I'm thinking just in case York decides to pull a close one and suddenly start classes again.
I've heard rumours that the year might be canceled, and a full refund might be in effect...
...Meh, at least I got 3 months of University education for free!
My goal for today? I'm going to submit my resume/application to No Frills (if not McDonald's, since I have a feeling I lost their application).
CUPE 3903 seems to be losing momentum in their efforts against York University.
With Jewish community leaders condemning CUPE president Sid Ryan (see Jewish Leaders blast CUPE, http://www.thestar.com/News/Ontario/article/562803) and general public support dying, I wonder if my efforts for job hunting are in vain.
I picked up an application for McDonald's, and I'm looking into sending my resume for No Frills. Both are easy to commute and some of my friends have been working there for a long time.
Maybe I'll look into part-time?
I'm thinking just in case York decides to pull a close one and suddenly start classes again.
I've heard rumours that the year might be canceled, and a full refund might be in effect...
...Meh, at least I got 3 months of University education for free!
My goal for today? I'm going to submit my resume/application to No Frills (if not McDonald's, since I have a feeling I lost their application).
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Defending themselves by Death
I've been reading the news lately. The David VS Goliath war between Palestine and Israel is depressing.
2009 shouldn't begin with a country listing statistics about the number of casualities and injuries that they've sustained.
Many argue that Israel should be condemned on the basis of disproportionality for invading Gaza and being responsible for the deaths of over 500 people.
And what does Israel have to say?
'We are defending ourselves.'
With the continued rocket assault from the Hamas, Israeli forces do have a right to defend themselves, but I sincerely doubt that their defence includes a casualty count of over 500.
You would think that Palestine militants would discontinue their efforts after so much death and destruction. I mean, firing random rockets against Israel isn't going to stop them from continuing to slaughter your people.
The international circle is only beginning to realize the impact of this war. This isn't some natural disaster that you can fail to expect.
So what do you do?
...I know! Let's opt for a cease-fire!
Obviously a cease-fire won't do anything besides give both nations a chance to rearm and regroup.
But it's a step forward to resolving conflict at this point in time, and to many international voices, it's the most immediate step to save lives.
The Hamas? Put down the rockets and open your eyes. There won't be a country or its pride to protect if you continue your efforts.
(image taken from http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/dd38d99e-da94-11dd-8c28-000077b07658.html)
Monday, January 5, 2009
It's official. I am a nerd.

Yes. It's true. I've gotten into Warhammer 40k.
Y'know that store off in the mall called Games Workshop with the little figurines and the rolling dice and all that mumbo jumbo?
Uh-huh. That is what I'm into now.
Well, at least I have a new hobby.
Now to find a job to pay for all the paints and stuff. And to be honest I am excited.
Really! I've painted 3 of my little bad-boy Necrons.
...Oh my God, I am such a nerd.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Lack of faith
It's close to 9:30 AM.
I've been keeping good lately with getting up earlier, and I'm glad it's working out for me so far.
So my older brother woke me up about an hour ago to help him reverse the van out of the garage because my parents' friends' car was in the way.
After about 20 repeated attempts, I gave up. It was futile. There just wasn't enough room.
My brother and I acknowledged that the task was impossible. We actually ended up breaking my dad's table saw when we moved it.
My dad came a little later, and I explained to him what happened. He laughed at me and said, "It's not impossible. Watch. I can do it."
I gave up trying to explain to him that there was no way he could do it. Absolutely not. The concept was impossible.
...And lo and behold, he did it with the utmost of ease, even so much as smiling at me as he pulled the van out seemingly effortlessly.
I couldn't help but think... Where did all my faith go?
Anyway, I've got chores and stuff to do around the house. Today I'll be staying at home.
I've been keeping good lately with getting up earlier, and I'm glad it's working out for me so far.
So my older brother woke me up about an hour ago to help him reverse the van out of the garage because my parents' friends' car was in the way.
After about 20 repeated attempts, I gave up. It was futile. There just wasn't enough room.
My brother and I acknowledged that the task was impossible. We actually ended up breaking my dad's table saw when we moved it.
My dad came a little later, and I explained to him what happened. He laughed at me and said, "It's not impossible. Watch. I can do it."
I gave up trying to explain to him that there was no way he could do it. Absolutely not. The concept was impossible.
...And lo and behold, he did it with the utmost of ease, even so much as smiling at me as he pulled the van out seemingly effortlessly.
I couldn't help but think... Where did all my faith go?
Anyway, I've got chores and stuff to do around the house. Today I'll be staying at home.
Uhhh... Too tired.
Learned to snowboard properly without failing (skiing too!). Had fun at my friend's group get together. Apples to Apples. Rock Band. Guitar hero world tour. Y'know the works.
Spicy chicken wings. Got owned at jitz and Naruto.
Got home about an hour ago.
Tired. Eyes hurt.
This is a fail update, I apologize.
Over all? Had a ton of fun, but it got rocky towards the end.
~Tomorrow will be a better productive day~
Spicy chicken wings. Got owned at jitz and Naruto.
Got home about an hour ago.
Tired. Eyes hurt.
This is a fail update, I apologize.
Over all? Had a ton of fun, but it got rocky towards the end.
~Tomorrow will be a better productive day~
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