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It's life. 24 Hours a day. But to me, it's just seems like one really long coffee-break.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Q and A from Rio!

Because I won't get hired by McDonald's any time soon (they set up interviews the day I went to get an application), I've decided to write an interview between me and well, me.

Q: Rio! How is life outside?

A: It's not too bad. I've been working out at the YMCA when time allows. I should start heading the library again. I haven't touched any substantial material since I finished Homer's Odyssey. Also, I've been planning to go indoor rock-climbing for the longest, but time and money really play a role in setting up an event like this. Ugh.

Q: ...How about the romantics?

A: It's on the meh kind of point right now. I'm still interested in that one girl, but I'm not expecting it to become anything other than a crush-at-a-glance type thing. Plus, I have a bad habit of becoming really, really good friends with the girls I'm attracted to. So much so, that I usually become the brother they never had. Although, I am still keeping an eye out. Haha.

Q: That sucks... Any new interests/hobbies that the York strike has graciously provided you with?

A: Other than Warhammer 40k? Haha. Well, I've been learning how to cook recently (I've started a photo album of my attempts at cooking), and I'm continuing to improve my guitar skills. I've also developed a desire to snowboard. I love the feeling of skidding down a nice white slope, or experiencing an epic fail. I think it's cool when you show off your battle scars and exaggerate the story.

Q: Wow.. You are so lame. Moving along, what about your recent musical tastes?

A: I've been listening to Linkin Park a lot lately, and it's introduced me to a whole new genre of music and style. I am a huge Indie music fan. I love The Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, The Killers, The Kooks, Bloc Party... Oh the list goes on.

But lately I've gotten into more alternative and hardcore music. Linkin Park, Alexisonfire and 30 Seconds to Mars to name a few. Listening to them while driving feels awesome. And of course, there will always be your traditional hip-hop beats in there. Namely Lupe Fiasco. He is just something else, I tell you.

Q: Nice. Anything else you want to say to your readers?

A: If you have the power to end the York Strike right NOW, please use it. Oh, and I could use a job. So hire me. Thanks.


1 comment:

  1. uve managed to out-lame urself. Yes, english major, that is a word - because i said so. :)

    who is this "one girl" who you "[dont expect] to become anything other than a crush-at-a-glance type thing"??
