It's the new year, so I've come up with a list of things I want to work on/have/improve/be etc. etc.
Here's 50 things I've thought of!
1. Be on time and punctual
2. Actually think before I say
3. Become organized and neat
4. Become responsible.
5. Get a job (even if it's part-time)
6. Read!
7. Become patient
8. Become honest
9. Be part of a committed relationship
10. Be able to play an entire song on guitar without failing (real guitar)
11. Become more confident
12. Go to an Indie Rock Concert
13. Hit a club
14. Travel somewhere in Europe
15. Write a song
16. Get my video game character on World of Warcraft to level 80
17. Start a new hobby
18. Volunteer at a soup kitchen/homeless shelter/Elderly residence
19. Obtain a 10% or lower body fat ratio (Yeah, I want those guns)
20. Work out on a consistent basis
21. Watch a musical/play
22. Go to confession
23. Read the newspaper more often
24. Wake up earlier (I'm thinking 8:30 AM)
25. Get through first year University
26. Start and complete a scrapbook/sketch book (if I can stay committed to a blog, why not?)
27. Eat healthier
28. Get an actual Ipod
29. Buy a new guitar
30. Score more than 3 points in a basketball game
31. Fight someone!
32. Take initiative
33. Hang out with my family more often
34. Probably get a new cell phone
35. Attempt a new language
36. Get 100% on a Rock Band/Guitar Hero song (on Hard or Expert difficulty)
37. Start an investment portfolio
38. Register my credit card
39. Run a marathon
40. Be more socially direct
41. Learn to brake on skates hockey style
42. Submit an editorial to the local newspaper
43. Visit an Art Museum
44. Attend a live sports event
45. Buy a digital camera, and actually use it
46. Talk to a someone the phone till both of us fall asleep (Damn it Robert! I meant future girlfriend!)
47. Try to attend church every Sunday (on time!)
48. Do committed research
49. Find romance
50. Become dedicated
I pray to God for the will power to endure these resolutions.
Happy New Year's everyone!
~Man... It's almot 5 in the morning!~
About Me
- Rio
- It's life. 24 Hours a day. But to me, it's just seems like one really long coffee-break.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Reflection of 2008
It's the end of one of the craziest years I've ever lived.
There were a lot of firsts.
I turned 18. I went to Italy. I drank for the first time. I went paint-balling, rock climbing and skiing/snowboarding.
I drove on a mountain side in West Virginia. I had my first car accident (hit a car, where the driver turned out to be a cancer patient).
I've pleaded guilty in court.
I lost some friends. But I gained some new ones as well.
I discovered my passion for Indie Rock. I've picked up the guitar again.
I've graduated.
I grinded for the first time at a dance.
I fell in a river, cut my pants on a bicycle gear and broke my cell phone in a single day.
I was told once to shop at International Boys, because the suit stores for men didn't carry my size.
I've been to four different cities in under six hours.
I've biked for 2 hours straight in pouring rain.
I've been rejected as many times as I've rejected others.
I've experienced some of the greatest successes, as well as some of the worst moments in life...
There's been a lot of memories. Good ones, bad ones... Some I can't even recall.
But one thing is for certain though.
I haven't changed. I probably won't ever.
But I will continue to develop.
~I thank God for 2008 and every opportunity that presented itself~
Monday, December 29, 2008
Weather much?
Canadian weather is messed up.
Last week there was a snow storm. Boxing day there was a melt down at 10 degrees and a massive fog.
Today? I thank gravity for saving me from being blown away by the wind.
In other news, I had part two of the family portrait session going on. Frankly, I didn't even know there was a part two.
Although, this time it included a film recording of my family on what we do on a daily basis. Outside. Where the wind was strong enough to break branches. Near a lake.
And a portion of the lake was actually frozen, and I attempted to prove that I could stand on it. And then I almost fell through.
Yup. You can imagine the frustration.
But hey, I got to eat out at Swiss Chalet with the family so it wasn't half as bad.
Plus, I got the chance leave after and hang out at my friend's place (got to play Guitar Hero World Tour for the first time).
I got some other stuff planned tomorrow, although the details are hazy to me at this point.
Last week there was a snow storm. Boxing day there was a melt down at 10 degrees and a massive fog.
Today? I thank gravity for saving me from being blown away by the wind.
In other news, I had part two of the family portrait session going on. Frankly, I didn't even know there was a part two.
Although, this time it included a film recording of my family on what we do on a daily basis. Outside. Where the wind was strong enough to break branches. Near a lake.
And a portion of the lake was actually frozen, and I attempted to prove that I could stand on it. And then I almost fell through.
Yup. You can imagine the frustration.
But hey, I got to eat out at Swiss Chalet with the family so it wasn't half as bad.
Plus, I got the chance leave after and hang out at my friend's place (got to play Guitar Hero World Tour for the first time).
I got some other stuff planned tomorrow, although the details are hazy to me at this point.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
It's Boxing Day. I will begin with a rant.
It's funny. I was reading the Toronto Star the other day, and a headline caught my attention.
"Think 2008 was bad? Just wait, Economists say"
And this was on Chirstmas eve! Wait to go Beltrame! You've just contributed to the decrease in consumer confidence! Yay!
Ugh... I apologize for my sarcasm.
On another note, Christmas has come and gone. The family party was at our place again, so you can just imagine the amount of cleaning I went through thse past two days.
For example, I've gone through at least 50 different half-full (that's right, I said half-full) water bottles around the house. So in order to save the environment, I fill the other half with the half, and then throw out half the bottles.
Does that even make sense?
And then to kick-start my reading mode, I got back to reading the Odyssey!
...Only to fall asleep, halfway through Book 15.
I know, I know. Major fail on my part.
Mind you, I slept on and off on Christmas eve.
Oh and I ended up receiving a Tokyo Police Club album, a skinny tie, a new thumb ring and boxers! (Y'know, just in case you were wondering what I got for Christmas).
I had a lot more to rant about, but I'll leave it at that.
"Think 2008 was bad? Just wait, Economists say"
And this was on Chirstmas eve! Wait to go Beltrame! You've just contributed to the decrease in consumer confidence! Yay!
Ugh... I apologize for my sarcasm.
On another note, Christmas has come and gone. The family party was at our place again, so you can just imagine the amount of cleaning I went through thse past two days.
For example, I've gone through at least 50 different half-full (that's right, I said half-full) water bottles around the house. So in order to save the environment, I fill the other half with the half, and then throw out half the bottles.
Does that even make sense?
And then to kick-start my reading mode, I got back to reading the Odyssey!
...Only to fall asleep, halfway through Book 15.
I know, I know. Major fail on my part.
Mind you, I slept on and off on Christmas eve.
Oh and I ended up receiving a Tokyo Police Club album, a skinny tie, a new thumb ring and boxers! (Y'know, just in case you were wondering what I got for Christmas).
I had a lot more to rant about, but I'll leave it at that.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Just wanted to say...
(Don't worry, I'll update once all the craziness is done)
(Don't worry, I'll update once all the craziness is done)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I am dead tired... And why is it almost 4 AM?

My bones hurt. No, I really mean it. They hurt.
Basket-ball for 4 straight hours + Skating downtown? Back to back craziness. This holiday season has been the most busy for me, and I think it's just going to pile up.
But right now? I'm as content as I could be.
Plus it looks like we'll be having a white Chirstmas, despite all the multiple global warming concerns.
Anyway I'm off to a much deserved sleep.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Music = Food for the soul
Ahh. I feel ten times better then I did yesterday.
Why? Because I heard Colin Munroe's, Will I Stay over the radio (93.5 Flow FM).
It's no Christmas song, but it feels like one.
And it has restored order within my chaotic self. Now I can't stop listening to it.
On another note, it's 3 more days till Christmas! And I'm broke. I'm thinking next year, I will make my gifts.
That's right. Paper, scissors and glue baby!
Haha, happy holidays.
Why? Because I heard Colin Munroe's, Will I Stay over the radio (93.5 Flow FM).
It's no Christmas song, but it feels like one.
And it has restored order within my chaotic self. Now I can't stop listening to it.
On another note, it's 3 more days till Christmas! And I'm broke. I'm thinking next year, I will make my gifts.
That's right. Paper, scissors and glue baby!
Haha, happy holidays.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
I'm in need of Christmas cheer
Ok, so there's a reason I didn't update yesterday. Besides the fact that I was extremely tired and woozy from partying last night (like to the max), I have fallen incredibly sullen.
Maybe it's the 'mountain to valley' effect I'm going under, (I'm postively sure it is) but I'm slowly becoming aware of just how many responsibilities I have.
I can't help but feel responsible for everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything.
It's one of my character flaws I know.
And so lately, I've been feeling even more in debt to people. I'm not sure whether or not it's because of the holiday season, or just because I sense a sudden increase in the number of people expecting things from me.
I'm thinking it's all the things I expect from myself lately.
I don't mean to be a downer, it is Christmas time.
[...But my parents invited over so guests for Christmas carrolling, and right now I can't stand the idea of joining them (I apologize for my crudeness).]
Hopefully I pull into a "valley to mountain" safety soon.
Maybe it's the 'mountain to valley' effect I'm going under, (I'm postively sure it is) but I'm slowly becoming aware of just how many responsibilities I have.
I can't help but feel responsible for everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything.
It's one of my character flaws I know.
And so lately, I've been feeling even more in debt to people. I'm not sure whether or not it's because of the holiday season, or just because I sense a sudden increase in the number of people expecting things from me.
I'm thinking it's all the things I expect from myself lately.
I don't mean to be a downer, it is Christmas time.
[...But my parents invited over so guests for Christmas carrolling, and right now I can't stand the idea of joining them (I apologize for my crudeness).]
Hopefully I pull into a "valley to mountain" safety soon.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thoughts before the Pink Party

It's snowing. Like mad snow. Like I have to go below 30 km/h in order to move. And I'm driving a front wheel car. Not good.
But all that aside, I'm updating a little earlier because I probably won't be back till tomorrow! Haha ya, tonight is gonna be epic.
I'm rocking a pink dress shirt and a black tie. Awesome combination I think.
Hopefully all goes well with the snow storm and it stops soon. Although, I think I personally think it's beautiful.
Short post, I know. But I've got to run. I got into a little trouble this morning because of chores, but I think I've redeemed myself.
More details tomorrow!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Skating, Demetres, and Apples!
Today was EPIC.
Straight from the morning, I had plans to visit some of my teachers from High School with two of my friends. It started off as a very general plan, no details involved.
We then extended it to searching for a pink dress, playing Rock Band in my basement, skating and a trip to Demetre's Dessert Bar. None of it was planned, or prepared. Awesome, I know.
Oh, and apparently we needed a license to play "Apples to Apples" in the actual dessert bar. I'm thinking it was the polite way to ask us to leave. But I would've preferred it if they told us the truth.
Yes. Today was EPIC. I'm not quite sure how else to describe it so I'll leave it at that.
Let's see what tomorrow brings us, shall we?
Straight from the morning, I had plans to visit some of my teachers from High School with two of my friends. It started off as a very general plan, no details involved.
We then extended it to searching for a pink dress, playing Rock Band in my basement, skating and a trip to Demetre's Dessert Bar. None of it was planned, or prepared. Awesome, I know.
Oh, and apparently we needed a license to play "Apples to Apples" in the actual dessert bar. I'm thinking it was the polite way to ask us to leave. But I would've preferred it if they told us the truth.
Yes. Today was EPIC. I'm not quite sure how else to describe it so I'll leave it at that.
Let's see what tomorrow brings us, shall we?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Street Fighter + Hip Hop = Thumbs up

I was at my friend's house the other day playing some strategic 'defend your base' video game (it's called Monsters) on his PS3, and as much as I enjoy the game, I couldn't help but notice how dull the background music was.
So I asked my buddy to upload any playlist from his browser to keep me from sleeping. And volia! He introduced me to a playlist of Street Fighter Underground Hip Hop remixes.
I've got a variety of taste in music, mind you but I prefer Indie Rock over most things.
So upon listening, I developed a sudden craving for hip hop remixes and street fighter. There's something exciting about listening to DJ scratches and random slurring combined with old school fighting games.
I like to picture lots of different colours smashing into each other like cymbals in the sky. And no, I am not under any influence of any sort.
I was also thinking of picking up a PC gaming controller just to relive street fighter (with the awesome Hip Hop remixes playing in the background). Maybe I will.
Or maybe I should be more scholarly and finish my readings. We'll see how the rest of my York strike goes.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
11 Attempts, 10 Fails, 1 Success (sort of)
Today, I went snowboarding AND skiing for the first time. I've discovered that I have really bad balance, and a natural instinct to be content with just going fast... And to a lesser degree, wiping out completely.
I actually enjoyed it, despite the wounds and bruises. Plus I almost killed one of my buddies with my skiis. Yup, it was fun.
I missed out on my daily work-out routine, but I'm pretty sure the snowboarding/skiing made up for it. I can already sense my bones aching.
Oh, today was just the practice run too. We were supposed to head over to Mt. Louis or Moonstone tomorrow, but that doesn't look like it'll happen. Bah, I was looking forward to showing off my newly found wipe-out skills.
Ahh well. That's today's update.
I actually enjoyed it, despite the wounds and bruises. Plus I almost killed one of my buddies with my skiis. Yup, it was fun.
I missed out on my daily work-out routine, but I'm pretty sure the snowboarding/skiing made up for it. I can already sense my bones aching.
Oh, today was just the practice run too. We were supposed to head over to Mt. Louis or Moonstone tomorrow, but that doesn't look like it'll happen. Bah, I was looking forward to showing off my newly found wipe-out skills.
Ahh well. That's today's update.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Doing things differently
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Big Three and Me

And thus, I present my views on the impending doom of the automotive industry and manufacturing sector of Canada (and to a greater extent, the U.S).
With CUPE 3903's strike still active, I've have the time to do some research on the 'Big Detroit 3' (GM, Ford Motor, and Chrysler). With the subprime mortgage crisis and volatile oil prices, you'd think there was enough blame to go around to explain why the three largest auto giants in North America are asking for a 700 billion dollar industry bailout as a safety net.
Maybe we're forgetting something here. The Detroit 3 were famous for the SUV 'Craze' back in 1998, and a majority their production lines consisted of light trucks and of course, SUVs.
Hmm, now let's throw in Al Gore and the introduction of the Green Movement.
Oil prices sky rocketed reaching almost over $120 per barrel in May 2008. Gas went for $1.44 per litre at some stations around Toronto. Oh and of course everyone suddenly became environmentally aware. "Oh, you drive an SUV? What a waste. I've got a Hybrid. From Toyota. That's right, I care about the environment."
And now, we've got to fork over $700 Billion dollars to save the auto industry.
Bringing it closer to home, Ontario governments have already pledged up to $2.8 Billion to assist in the epidemic (according to the Financial Post, Ottawa, Ontario to give $2.8B in auto aid). Now it's a waiting game to determine whether or not the U.S administration can throw something back.
With numbers being thrown around like a beach ball, it's difficult to extract a definite source which isn't a complete exaggeration. One thing is for certain though, because of Canadian Industry Minister Tony Clement, CAW's should no longer bitch and moan about taxes.
We've already predicted 15,000 job cuts in the Canadian Auto Industry by 2009. How does it sound when you add higher taxes and greater debt?
All we need now is political unrest in Parliament and we're settled.
Oh, silly me. We have that too.
(Image taken from
Saturday, December 13, 2008
A Strike is Awesome in Bowling

But not when it is used in conjuction with an institution such as York University.
I usually check the status on the website on a daily basis but sadly nothing has changed, other than the University now decorating its proposal (they're now describing it as a "fair, responsible and sustainable" offer).
I've looked over it, and it's actually not that bad. I do realize that members of CUPE 3903 will still have to struggle to get past the poverty line, but at moments like this (sitting at home for a month) I'd like to say it's time to put down the picket signs, and cash in your lottery ticket. Even if it's only ten bucks.
Oh and get this, as of December 11th 2008 tutorial assistants at the University of Toronto (Cupe 3902) have voted 63% in favour of a strike. Don't believe me?
I can see how anxiety must play a very large role, especially when you're dealing with job security. With higher living standards, and the economy at all time low, I'm guessing people want to do more than just survive.
I hate to admit it, but it looks like Post-Secondary life is turning into an "everyone for themselves" brawl.
I usually check the status on the website on a daily basis but sadly nothing has changed, other than the University now decorating its proposal (they're now describing it as a "fair, responsible and sustainable" offer).
I've looked over it, and it's actually not that bad. I do realize that members of CUPE 3903 will still have to struggle to get past the poverty line, but at moments like this (sitting at home for a month) I'd like to say it's time to put down the picket signs, and cash in your lottery ticket. Even if it's only ten bucks.
Oh and get this, as of December 11th 2008 tutorial assistants at the University of Toronto (Cupe 3902) have voted 63% in favour of a strike. Don't believe me?
I can see how anxiety must play a very large role, especially when you're dealing with job security. With higher living standards, and the economy at all time low, I'm guessing people want to do more than just survive.
I hate to admit it, but it looks like Post-Secondary life is turning into an "everyone for themselves" brawl.
(image taken from
You might want to check out the site.
It's come to this.
I would've never guessed, that I'd actually start a personal blog of my own... I've always thought these things were too technical (can't understand HTML worth my life). But here I am unveiling recollections and thoughts... I'm breaking boundaries baby!
Personal thoughts at the moment? Well it's 1:28am and I've got a family photo shoot at 8. I'm not too thrilled with the idea of having to wake up so early and looking stoned in a family portrait.
Other than that, I've decided to giving 'blogging' a try. I mean I write random poetry at this time, why not try an actual reflection in prose? Sounds a little lame, but here is my first attempt. Maybe I'll look back at this and ponder why I even bothered. Or maybe not. Or maybe I'll even so much as blog about this particular moment in the future.
I'm rambling, I apolgize.
Anyway, cheers!
By the way, listen to Sleepyhead by Passion Pit. It's quite addicting.
Personal thoughts at the moment? Well it's 1:28am and I've got a family photo shoot at 8. I'm not too thrilled with the idea of having to wake up so early and looking stoned in a family portrait.
Other than that, I've decided to giving 'blogging' a try. I mean I write random poetry at this time, why not try an actual reflection in prose? Sounds a little lame, but here is my first attempt. Maybe I'll look back at this and ponder why I even bothered. Or maybe not. Or maybe I'll even so much as blog about this particular moment in the future.
I'm rambling, I apolgize.
Anyway, cheers!
By the way, listen to Sleepyhead by Passion Pit. It's quite addicting.
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